Tag Archives: pollution

Air Quality and Transport Data Analysis

Transport for West Midlands have co-located VivaCity traffic monitoring and Vaisala air quality monitoring sensors across the region to enable data-driven decisions as part of their Local Transport Plan.

VivaCity Smart Junctions tackles traffic congestion and air pollution with computer vision sensor

Tackling Traffic Congestion and Pollution with AI and Smart Junctions

Tackling congestion requires a collaborative effort. One that joins technological advancements with schemes and campaigns that simultaneously encourage behaviour changes and introduce physical changes – driven by data – to enable such change. Our Smart Junctions solution for traffic signal optimisation demonstrated a 23% reduction in journey times.

Building Citizen-Led Urban Mobility Strategies : Nitrous, 20th May 16:00

We are looking forward to the “Building Citizen-Centric Mobility Strategies” event hosted by Nitrous on Thursday 20th May, where our COO, Peter Mildon, will be discussing the work VivaCity are doing to achieve inclusive, citizen-focused mobility strategies. Over the last year, a revolution in urban mobility has occurred with Covid-19 accelerating the need for healthy, activeRead More