
CiTTi Magazine: VivaCity trials Smart Junctions solution in Cambridge

Friday, 16 April, 2021
Cambridge Smart Junction by VivaCity

VivaCity trialling traffic signal solution in Cambridge to cut congestion and improve air quality.

As part of a 12-month trial, we will investigate how our camera-based sensors and machine-learning can be used to optimise traffic signals. The system aims to improve traffic flow, cut journey times and help reduce emissions.

Currently, the majority of traffic signals across Cambridge use fixed algorithms to make decisions about the signal operation. Our machine-learning technology enables the new signals to learn what works best to manage traffic flows more effectively.

Furthermore, the camera-based AI sensors are more able than existing systems to anonymously identify different types of road users and adjust traffic signal timings accordingly. This allows different modes of transport to be prioritised.

The trial also has the potential to improve air quality by reducing emissions from idling vehicles.

Read the full article on the CiTTi website. 

Read more detail about the project here.