Tag Archives: pandemic

Designing for Social Distance

As we begin to return to a new sense of normality, countries around the world are being challenged to rethink the way they shape their towns and cities to allow for social distancing to take place whilst encouraging more forms of Active Transportation in a post-COVID 19 World. In the U.K. for example, this hasRead More

COVID-19 Impact on Travel 12th May 2020

We are pleased to provide this update on the COVID-19 impact on travel at 12th May 2020 Overall traffic continuing to grow by c.4% a week once bank holiday effects stripped out The Monday after the PM’s announcement saw no notable acceleration of increases in traffic across most of the UK, although London showed aRead More

COVID-19 – Impact on Travel 23rd April 2020

We have leveraged Viva’s existing sensor network, which uses AI on camera-based sensors, to gather data on flows of different classes of road user,including pedestrians, throughout the COVID-19 pendemic. These sensors are now installed in cities across the UK, providing a broad baseline for statistical analysis. Our sensors already gather data on the paths thatRead More