
Smart Junctions User Group – Tues 28th April, Royal Academy of Engineering, London

Wednesday, 19 February, 2020

VivaCity’s fourth Smart Junctions User Group will be taking place on Tuesday, April 28th 2020 at the Royal Academy of Engineering in London.

This event is an opportunity for transport authorities and councils to hear more about the Smart Junctions project, our innovation programme to design the next generation of intelligent traffic signal control using artificial intelligence.

The objective of this user group is to provide a platform where regional, county and city authorities from across the UK can come together and share their experiences, challenges and insights in order to ensure that we produce an outcome which is as valuable as possible to all transport authorities. During the day we will give you an update on the progress of the project so far, give you a chance to learn more about how machine learning can be applied to traffic signal control, and ask for your feedback on the system we are developing.

If you would like more information or would be interested in attending this User Group please don’t hesitate to contact Raquel Velasco ( We look forward to seeing you in April!