Tag Archives: Sensors

It’s 2020, not 1984. Privacy is Key.

It’s been great to see the latest incoming coverage surrounding our sensors and how we monitor travel. However, it’s understandable that, without prior knowledge of how this new technology works, some people see us veering headfirst into an all-seeing, omniscient network of “Big Brother” cameras monitoring our every move. This isn’t what we stand for.Read More

COO Peter Mildon Discusses Sensor Projects in Kent City Centres

Our COO Peter Mildon was invited on to BBC Radio Kent 09.30 on Wednesday 7th October to discuss our recent sensor projects in Kent. Peter discussed how the sensors work with regards to supporting local councils with traffic flow and measures. He also allayed any fears around privacy with regards to the sensors not recording/streamingRead More

AI-powered pollution-reducing traffic lights trialled as part of £30m boost for 5G initiatives

Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered traffic lights will be trialled in Manchester to assess whether they can efficiently reduce pollution and congestion as part of a £30m investment in 5G technology. The project plans to use intelligent sensors to detect speed, path, journey time and queuing data for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians travelling along the city’s roads. The sensors, running AIRead More

Smart City of Sunderland leads urban transport progress.

Smart city uses technology to reduce economic costs of congestion, improve air quality and road safety. Challenge Aligned to the Department for Transport’s national initiative intended to help “solve local transport issues”, Sunderland City Council hopes the use of technology can help reduce costs to the economy resulting from congestion – as well as refiningRead More

Meet the VivaCity Research Team

Introduction You are reading the first ever blog post from the VivaCity research team! We will introduce the team and the role our solutions play in VivaCity’s goals to understand & manage traffic. Smart Sensing in Real Environments Machine learning on a dataset that is finite and never evolves is straightforward. However, dealing with dynamicRead More