Tag Archives: event

Viva team at JCT Symposium 2022

Viva at JCT Symposium 2022

Viva joined industry leaders and innovators at this year’s JCT Symposium in Nottingham. We presented the latest results and learnings from a Viva Smart Junctions trial in Cambridgeshire. Read about the highlights here.

Clean Air Day 2022 - Active Transportation and health benefits

Clean Air Day 2022 – Walk those short distances where you can

Air pollution can have severe consequences on human health and in the UK, it causes up to 36,000 deaths every year. The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise air pollution as the largest environmental risk we face these days. Exposure to air pollutants increases the risk of respiratory infections, heart disease and lungRead More

Cross River Partnership Viva Programme - Monitoring School Streets Scheme

School Streets Monitoring by the Cross River Partnership Viva Programme

The Cross River Partnership (CRP) Viva programme has been deployed as a school street monitoring scheme at Saint Scholastica’s Roman Catholic Primary School in east London, gathering data about the variations of motorised and non-motorised road users as a result of the implementation.  A school street is a road, or section of a road, thatRead More

Active transportation scheme monitoring

2021/22 Active Transportation Scheme Monitoring and Funding Opportunities

This year is looking promising for Local Authorities that are engaged in Active Transportation schemes. Invitations for funding applications have recently been announced, including expressions of interest in Mini Hollands, capital funding for 2021/22, the GP Prescribing Pilot fund, as well as ‘Healthy Streets Funding’ through Transport for London. A critical element of the applicationRead More

Cross River Partnership Viva Programme - Soho Al Fresco outdoors dining

Cross River Partnership Proof of Concept of ‘Al Fresco’ Dining in Soho

In summer 2020, some of the streets of Soho in central London were closed to vehicular traffic between 5pm and 10pm, allowing hospitality establishments to set up extra space outdoors to serve customers, while increasing overall space for pedestrians to safely transit due to the ongoing pandemic. This initiative was fondly named Soho ‘Al Fresco’. TheRead More