
Building Citizen-Led Urban Mobility Strategies : Nitrous, 20th May 16:00

Wednesday, 12 May, 2021

We are looking forward to the “Building Citizen-Centric Mobility Strategies” event hosted by Nitrous on Thursday 20th May, where our COO, Peter Mildon, will be discussing the work Viva are doing to achieve inclusive, citizen-focused mobility strategies.

Over the last year, a revolution in urban mobility has occurred with Covid-19 accelerating the need for healthy, active transportation within cities. It has never been more important for us to challenge traditional transport modes that result in negative side-effects for citizens such as pollution, congestion, lack of roadside space and obesity, and it’s critical that the citizen remains at the centre as we begin to reshape our urban infrastructure.

In particular, we’ll be discussing how city authorities and innovators work together and respect the needs of the citizen, but also change behaviors when it comes to mobility.

Read more about the event, panellists and register for FREE here.